Stardale Blog
News, features, events and more!
Talking Circles
As you know, the Stardale organization created a film this summer called The Road that was awarded "Best Short Documentary" at the Montreal Independent Film Festival. One thing that might be easily overlooked and that I am particularly proud of is the fact that we actually completed a project during a summer that was in so many ways challenging and difficult for all of us.
Ribbon Skirt Cultural Project
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts under the granting of "Creating, Knowing and Sharing for Indigenous Peoples" for supporting Stardale Women's Group Inc. in the Ribbon Skirt Cultural Project.
What's In An Award?
We were all very thrilled and gratified and maybe even shocked to learn that our film The Road had won an award: Best Short Documentary Film at the Montreal Independent Film Festival. As the reality began to sink in, I think all of us must have offered some words of thanks to the Creator for such recognition.
The Road Ahead
On September 24, 2020, we will present the world premiere of the short film The Road. This presentation will be the culmination of about fifteen months of work for Helen McPhaden and I, going back to an initial brainstorming session at Caffé Beano in June of 2019.
Countdown To The Premiere!
As you may know by now, last summer Helen McPhaden and I got together and envisioned a new project for the Stardale girls to work on over the winter and then present in the spring. The theme of the piece was some kind of representation of the journey of adolescent girls and women as a response to the findings of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
We Are Our Stories
Hasn't it been an interesting year so far? I use the word "interesting" deliberately, thinking of the old (supposedly, but not) Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times!" Wherever it comes from, it seems appropriate for the year 2020. These are interesting times, and sometimes I wonder whether we are really living or merely surviving.
Progress Update
Sometimes when bad things happen, we see only the immediate consequences. We realize we are going to have to change our plans and adapt to the new reality. We talk about making the best of a bad situation. We start again. What else can any of us do?
Racism In Canada
It hardly matters where you go these days or whom you talk to, the hot topic in the month of June is racism. In the United States, the murder of George Floyd seems finally to have unleashed a series of protests unlike anything seen in the USA since the 1960s. Where it will end, it is impossible to say, but surely all of us, whatever our skin colour or ethnicity, are hoping for some kind of meaningful and lasting change to come of his tragic death.
The Red Dress
One thing we all are becoming used to throughout this pandemic is Zoom and other platforms like it. It's probably fair to say that most of us don't really love communicating this way, but it serves its purpose of keeping us all connected.
Uncertainties Of The Road
Had things unfolded according to plan, we would be preparing for a gala event on Thursday May 14, featuring the premiere of the performance piece The Road. No doubt this would have been a fantastic event; rehearsing, rewriting, finalizing costumes, taking care of a thousand little details - all part of mounting a live theatrical production.
On The Road Again
Wasn't I surprised to learn from the Stardale website the other day that it's actually been seven years since I began working with Helen McPhaden and the Stardale girls? Seven years is a long time for anything these days!
"In These Uncertain Times"
How many times have we heard that this month? “In these changing times.” “In these difficult times.” “In these unpredictable times.”
A Fragile Time
It’s hard to fathom how drastically and dramatically our world has changed in the few weeks since I wrote my last post. The isolation, the fear, the uncertainty that many of us find ourselves living with now are hardly new phenomena for our First Nations girls.
Do We Have Enough Toilet Paper Yet?
We are sadly on hiatus with The Road project at Stardale. Like the rest of the world, we have been forced into “social isolation.”
Hey! Have We Reconciled Yet?
Those who have been following these blog posts this year will be aware that I am working with the girls of the Stardale Women’s Group creating a performance piece based on the “Highway of Tears,” a response to the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, which is titled “Reclaiming Power and Place.”
At The Feast
Last week, Dr. Linda Many Guns and the good people from the National Centre for Collaboration for Indigenous Education descended upon us and instead of having our usual working session, we were treated to a feast.
And The Beat Goes On
The Stardale Women's Group began 2020 with a special expanded circle which welcomed several special guests including our elder, Wanda Fast Rider and special guest Dr. Linda Many Guns from the University of Lethbridge Indigenous Studies Department.
Heading Into 2020
We are living in an interesting time, which as you may know is a curse in China, as when they say "May you live in interesting times." In many ways, the world seems out of joint. The economy is perilous in Alberta and beyond, the climate is both fragile and volatile, many of our leaders are reviled, not revered. And on it goes.
How We Work
In generating a collective script for performance with the Stardale girls, perhaps the most delicate part is creating a comfortable and safe environment where they feel they can share their thoughts and stories.