Stardale Blog

News, features, events and more!

Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

From The Inside Outward

Helen reminds me that our current work with the girls on The Road project is actually the fourth time we have all worked together: first, we created the full version of Committing, and then the scaled down version titled Committing to our Futures; finally, last year we created the Make Believer Project. And now, The Road.

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Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

A Writing Exercise

After a break, I was back with the Stardale girls last night for another writing session for our 2020 performance project, The Road. As we hadn't worked together for a while, I had prepared a rather safe plan, a descriptive writing exercise to gather some more imagery about the road, or path, or city streets the girls find themselves on.

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Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

Story of Aaliyah

My name is Aaliyah and I am 14 years old. I've been a part of Stardale Women's Group for four years now.

It's a welcoming place where I can feel like I belong, surrounded by other Indigenous girls my age. I would definitely describe it as a character-building type of program for young girls.

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Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

Looking Down The Road To The Past

Helen McPhaden and I met this summer to discuss creating a new performance piece with the girls, for them to perform at various locations around Calgary as we have done in the past with Committing and The Make Believer Project.

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Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

Committing Again

Committing was first developed at Stardale in 2013. Director Helen McPhaden had become alarmed at the statistics being released at the time pointing to the fact that where was a real suicide crisis among First Nations youth.

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Eugene Stickland Eugene Stickland

An Update

I am back working with the girls of the Stardale Women's Group this year. We are developing a performance piece titled "The Road" which came about following a conversation between Helen McPhaden and myself this summer.

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