Activities and Accomplishments

Equity Film Series: Screening of The Road
In partnership with the University of Calgary Indigenous, Local & Global Health Office, we invite you to a film screening of The Road, a short film written by and starring the Indigenous girls of Stardale Women's Group. It explores various themes pertaining to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the legacy and inter-generational impact of colonialism in Canada.

The Road Premiere
The Road is a short film starring the Indigenous girls of Stardale Women's Group. It explores various themes pertaining to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the legacy and inter-generational impact of colonialism in Canada.

Prairieaction Award 2020
In recognition for our valuable work towards finding solutions to violence and abuse, Stardale Women’ Group is honoured to receive for the second time the Prairieaction Foundation Youth Leadership Award for “The Road: Sharing Stories of Missing and Murdered Women.

Stardale Food Classes
Who enjoys food? The girls of Stardale truly are focused on learning how to prepare healthy meals. Once you learn how to cook then its onwards and upwards. Along with the food preparations are the many classes teaching how to bake cakes, cookies, muffins and much more.

Stardale Pop Up Art in the Park Series for Canada 150 sponsored by Alberta Government
Stardale was presented with an opportunity through the Canada 150 grant to showcase the talent of many young Indigenous girls. From our experience, we have learned that these young girls often slip through the cracks and rarely are recognized for their talents.

On Friday May 12, 2017, Stardale Women's Group Calgary hosted its first Charity Gala at Spolumbo's Fine Food and Deli in Inglewood.
The evening was packed with excitement, starting with a red carpet featuring a fashion show with the girls of Stardale modeling designs from Apt 22 (owner Kimberlie Stern) and Cody and Sioux (owner Ingrid Schultz).

Stardale Women's Group Wins Prairieaction Award
Stardale Women's Group won the 2017 Prairieaction Award for Youth Leadership Innovation Solutions in the Prevention of Violence and Abuse. The award was presented to Executive Director Helen McPhaden, as well as some of the girls of Stardale, by the Honourable Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Lois Mitchell.

Calgary Co-op and Stardale Girls Cooking Program Pilot
What does food security mean to you? What does it mean to a young Indigenous girl residing in Calgary, especially when dollars are scarce in the family unit? The Calgary Co-op Foundation and Stardale Women's Group decide to address these issues through a collaborative effort of designing a pilot project that would include good, healthy food concepts and teaching the girls how to prepare food on a budget.

Power of the Arts National Forum
From November 6 to 8, 2015, the Michaëlle Jean Foundation and Carleton University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences held the Power of the Arts National Forum. The gathering was a wonderful opportunity for many of the country's foremost thinkers (from a variety of disciplines) to discuss sustainable social change through the arts in Canada. Stardale Women's Group presented at a workshop entitled "Public Safety and Access to Justice." We presented general information on Stardale programming and then three of the girls did a performance piece ("Committing"). The theme was youth violence and suicide.

The Inspiration Awards - Receiving Recognition
Helen McPhaden, the Founder and Executive Director of Stardale Women's Group, received an award for Leadership in the Prevention of Bullying from the Alberta Government. Helen has worked tirelessly for the advancement of women and the protection of the rights of women and children. This honour was a testament to her accomplishments and dedication.

Committing - To Our Futures
On May 21, 2014, following the production of "Alesha's Dream," Stardale launched its newest book, Committing - To Our Futures, which has a storyline about youth suicide.

Innovation Through Arts and Culture
Stardale Women's Group Inc. offers innovative educational programming for Aboriginal girls ages 10 to 17 in Calgary. Stardale realizes the importance of keeping the girls' interest and enthusiasm toward a program that entertains fresh approaches. The after school program combines life skills and literacy with the arts to stimulate group dynamics and personal growth.

Stardale Wins Alberta Community Fund
Stardale was the recent recipient of the Field Law Alberta Community Fund. We would like to thank them for their generosity of spirit.

Stardale Lends Helping Hand to Bowness During Flood of June 2013
On a bright, sunny Wednesday morning, staff and volunteers gathered in Shaganappi to assemble lunch bags containing sandwiches, fruit, and cookies for flood victims and all the workers who were pitching in to help the community of Bowness in north west Calgary. The room was abuzz with friendly chatter and focused preparation. There was a task that needed to be completed, there was a gentle urgency to get out and help.

"Committing" Production
The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate of the Province of Alberta (OCYA) and the Child and Family Services Division (CFS) of Alberta Human Services, in partnership with The Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research (ACCFCR), hosted a conference on May 13, 2013. The conference was titled, "Youth Suicide Awareness," and included some of Canada's leading experts on the topic. They spoke on the important issues of understanding and preventing youth suicide.

Stardale Wins Healthy Communities Award
Stardale Women's Group was recognised for its contributions to the community and received the Healthy Communities Award. The award is for collaborative efforts to promote healthy behaviours and reduce barriers to healthy living.

Honouring the Girls' Stories
Fashion Has No Borders event on March 20, 2010 with the Stardale girls modeling Canadian Aboriginal designers garments at the BMO Centre.

The Stardale Model - For the Enlightenment of Women
The Stardale Model has been written into a curriculum format. The manual contains all the detailed information for the setup of the education/healing environment, in conjunction with the activities and lesson plans.

Yale Day of Service in Calgary - May 14, 2011(partnering with Stardale Women's Group)
Inspiration from the collective whole came when we started the day off in Talking Circle about the purpose of our gathering and the connection to Mother Earth. We spoke of reverence to the environment and the need to be further mindful for what exists on the earth today.

Programs Over the Years...
Our first inaugural program was entitled, "Honouring Ourselves". This was a 24-week program - a 14-week life skills program, coupled with a 4-week literacy component, followed by a 5-week child care worker certificate program.