Stardale 2023 - The First Week Back

It’s a new year and there is excitement in the air at Stardale. Wednesday, January 11th marked the very first class back after the winter break and we begun our 2023 Stardale season with a Talking Circle. While the new year always brings with it new hope, excitement and a revitalized energy we also acknowledge the weight and intensity of the topics often shared in these safe spaces. This year Stardale is reviving our production of “Committing” an original stage play created by the girls of Stardale Women’s group over 20 years ago this year. “Committing” shares a look into the harsh realities of youth suicide and opens up insight into the minds and heart of these young girls. More details of this project will be shared as the girls progress and we are incredibly excited to be reinvigorating this important message.

During the talking circle the girls were asked to share insights they had into both the topic of suicide and mental health as well as their thoughts and inputs of the “Committing” project. Whilst we can’t share the specific stories or thoughts shared within the sacred trust of the talking circle it’s safe to say that the gravity of this project and it’s impact as well as the seriousness of the topic at hand was not lost on anyone. We are so excited to be reinvigorating a project that received such praise in the past into a format that will make it easily accessible, shareable and as impactful as possible.

Beyond the Talking Circles, the girls have jumped back into their drumming classes to learn new songs, skills and more guided by their wonderful instructors!

We are so excited to be jumping in to another amazing year at Stardale and very grateful to have so many amazing supporters along for the ride! Here’s to everything wonderful 2023 promises to bring and a very big year here at Stardale Women’s Group with lot’s more exciting activities and adventures to look forward to.


January: A Month in Review


Album: National Day For Truth and Reconciliation 2022